

HMS Biography

  • 1910
    • 1918
      • Born in Seoul on October 25, as a third child of HAHN Sok-myong, and CHANG Suk-myong, and grows up in a progressive atmosphere
    • 1919
      • Moves to Gyeongsang-do by reason of her father's occupation
    • 1926
      • Painting selected for World Children's Art Show held in Berlin.
    • 1931
      • Starts taking art lessons with a Japanese painter Arai(üØïÌѲÎùÓÛ)
    • 1936
      • Graduates from Pusan Senior Girls' High School.
        Contracts tuberculosis and undergoes medical treatment.
    • 1937
      • While still convalescing, draws illustration for a novel entitled Millim (The Jungle)
        by a woman writer KIM Malbong, serialized in the Tong¡¯a Daily Newspaper µ¿¾ÆÀϺ¸ (ÔÔä¬ìíÜà )
  • 1940
    • 1940
      • Regaining health, marries a banker, KIM Jin-Heung, a second son of KIM To-kyong
        of a very conservative family. Abandons painting and begins writing
    • 1941
      • First daughter Young-Key born
    • 1942
      • Second child and first son Hoagy born
    • 1942
      • First novel written in Japanese and entitled A Woman with a Lantern (Ôóªòò¥ªÄÒ³)
        wins the first prize in a contest organized by the magazineSinsidae
    • 1943
      • One-act play, Heart/Mind, wins a contest organized by the Korean Drama Association.
    • 1944
      • Four-act play, Frost Flower, wins a contest organized by the Korean Drama Association.
    • 1944
      • Third child and second son Yonggi born
    • 1946
      • Fourth child and second daughter Hyun-key born
    • 1948
      • A long novel, And So Flows History, wins a contest organized by the International Daily Newspaper. Fifth child and third son Bonggi bor
    • 1949
      • The International Daily Newspaper is shut down, and the novel, And So Flows History, is serialized by another newspaper Sun Times
  • 1950
    • 1950
      • And So Flows History is published as a monograph by Chayangdang.
    • 1951
      • During the Korean War, takes refuge in Pusan.
    • 1953
      • Returns to Seoul at the Armistice.
    • 1956
      • Collection of short stories, Halo around the Moon, published by Chong¡¯umsa
    • 1957
      • Collection of short stories, Abyss, published by Hyondae Munhaksa
    • 1958
      • Wins the Freedom Literature Award with the short story, ¡°Abyss¡±
  • 1960
    • 1960
      • Novel, Steps of the Light, published by Hyondae Munhaksa
    • 1961
      • Member of the Newspaper Ethics Board.
    • 1962
      • Member of the Board of the International PEN Club, Korea Branch. Member of the Advisory Counsel of the City of Seoul. Lecture Tour to several Japanese universities by invitation of the Japanese Asahi Daily Newspaper, Japanese PEN Club (Topic: "Encounter of Korean and Japanese Cultures").
    • 1963
      • Lecture tour in Japanese by invitation of Japanese literary magazine, Bungeisanpo (¡°Two naturalist writers: Similarities and Differences between Korean YOM Sang-sop and Japanese Nagasaki Toomura¡±). Collection of essays, Deep water may be fathomable, published by Sint¡¯aeyangsa. Collection of short stories, ¡°The Place of Fate and Festivity¡±, published by Hwimun publishing Co.
    • 1964
      • Novel, the House of the Pomegranate, serialized in a monthly magazine, Yosang.
    • 1965
      • Represents Korea at the PEN Club congress held at Bled, Yugoslavia. A collection of short stories in English translation, In the Depths, published by Hwimun Publishing Co.
    • 1966
      • A collection of short stories in English translation, The Running Water Hermitage, . published by Munwang Publishing Co
    • 1969
      • Represents Korea at the PEN Club congress held at Menton, France
  • 1970
    • 1970
      • Son Yonggi dies of a traffic accident in the United States.
    • 1971
      • Lectures in Japanese at the Ochanomizu Conference Center(ªªÒþªÎâ©üåν) in Japan, at the invitation of Japanese women's magazine, Shuufuno tomo <ñ«ÜþñýéÒ> (Topic: "Paekche's Influence on Japanese Culture"). Represents Korea at a meeting entitled "The Japanese Culture in the World".
    • 1973
      • Receives the Sinsaimdang Award.
    • 1974
      • Represents Korea at the PEN Club congress held at Jerusalem, Israel.
    • 1976
      • Elected to be a member of the Board of the Korean Museum Association. Joint Calligraphy and Painting exhibition by the HAHN Moo-Sook and KIM Jin-Heung Couple.
    • 1978
      • Vice President, Korean Women Writer¡¯s Association. Collection of short stories, Represents Korea at the PEN Club congress held at Stockholm, Sweden. Everything between Us, published by Munhak Sasangsa
    • 1979
      • Vice President, Korean Novelist Association. A Plenary speaker at the AMPE conference held in Mexico City, Mexico (¡°Agony of Working Women¡±). Lectures in English at the University of Hawaii (¡°Postwar Korean Literature¡±)
  • 1980
    • 1980
      • President, Korean Women Writers Association. Member of the Board, Korean Writers¡¯ Association. Lectures at George Mason University (¡°Korean Influence on Old Japanese Culture¡±)
    • 1981
      • Collection of Literary Essays, This Blessing of Lonely Encounter, published by Han¡¯guk Munhaksa
    • 1983
      • A collection of short stories in English translation, The Hermitage of Flowing Water and Nine others, published by Gateway Press Baltimore, MD.
    • 1984
      • President, Korean Catholic Writers¡¯ Association
    • 1985
      • Second KIM Jin-Heung and HAHN Moo-Sook Couple Show of Calligraphy and Painting in Lima Gallery (××Ø©Ú¸âúν)
    • 1986
      • Member of the Korean Academy of Arts and Letters. Republic of Korea Culture Medal. Grand Prix of the Republic of Korea Literature Award. Novel in two volumes, Encounter, published by Chong¡¯umsa. Lectures in English at George Washington University (¡°Shamanism and Korean Literature¡±)
    • 1987
      • Lectures in English at Harvard University (¡°Korean Literature in the Era of National Division¡±). Collection of Short Stories, A Festered Finger, published by Munhak Sasangsa
    • 1988
      • Paper presentation at the 52nd International PEN Congress, held in Seoul, Korea ( ¡°Korean Literature in the Era of National Division¡±)
    • 1989
      • 30th March First Grand Prix for Arts
  • 1990
    • 1990
      • First President, Japanese Culture Society in Korea. President of the Korean Novelists Association. Collection of Literary Essays, The Moon in my Heart, published by the Seoul Sports Publishing, Third KIM Jin-Heung and HAHN Moo-Sook Couple Show of Calligraphy and Painting in the Seoul Press Center.
    • 1991
      • The Korean Academy of Arts and Letters Award
    • 1992
      • The English translation of the novel, Encounter, published by the University of California Press, Berkeley
    • 1993
      • Dies of heart failure at the age of 74